07/10/2019 - Permalink

News from our partners: Top tips on how to tackle common aches and pains

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News from our partners NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Tips on how to tackle common aches and pains without the need for a GP appointment are now available from health professionals at the NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

A top tips guide has been produced on headaches, back pain and period pain as well as sprains and strains.

It includes advice on how to ease symptoms as well as details on treatments which can be bought from local pharmacists without a prescription. Help is also available by calling NHS 111 free from any landline or mobile 24/7.

Top tips cover minor painful ailments such as:


Most headaches go away without the need for medication and are not a sign of something more serious. To ease a headache you can drink plenty of water, try to relax, exercise when you can and take paracetamol or ibuprofen as per the instructions.

Back pain

Back pain normally improves within a few weeks or months. To relieve symptoms stay as active as possible and try to continue your daily activities including exercises and stretches for back pain. You can also take anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen.

Period pain

Period pain is a normal part of your menstrual cycle. Being active may reduce pain, so you could try walking, pilates or yoga. A heat pad on your stomach or a light, circular massage around your lower abdomen may also help to reduce pain. You can also take ibuprofen or aspirin to help manage the pain.

Sprains and strains

Sprains and strains are common injuries affecting the muscles and ligaments. To treat them for the first couple of days, use RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevate) therapy to help bring down swelling and support the injury. Painkillers, like paracetamol, will ease the pain and ibuprofen will bring down swelling.

Please note that you should always read the patient information sheet before taking any medication.

Dr Julian Povey, Chair of Shropshire CCG, said:

“Different aches and pains are a common problem, and although troublesome they are easily managed at home.

“Paracetamol and ibuprofen are effective painkillers and can be easily picked up from a pharmacy or supermarket. Symptoms can also be eased with our self care tips which can be used at home.”

For further information on self care, please visit: www.shropshireccg.nhs.uk/health-advice/self-care.