Posts by Month: March 2015

60 posts found.

Shropshire Council and A4U to hold Autism Hub open day on 2 April 2015


Shropshire Council, along with its partner A4U, is to have an open day of its new Shropshire Autism Hub on Thursday 2…

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Prosecution serves as a reminder to benefit claimants


Shropshire Council’s benefits service is reminding housing benefit and council tax support claimants of their statutory duty to promptly notify the council’s…

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Applications going to Central planing committee – 9 April 2015


The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Thursday 9…

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Shropshire runners to take the Seven Bridges in Shrewsbury challenge


Runners of all levels are being invited to don their trainers for this year’s Seven Bridges 10k road race and fun run…

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Renowned Shropshire chef to take on running of restaurant at Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury


A renowned Shropshire chef is taking over the running of the restaurant at Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury – six years after he…

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Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery celebrates its first birthday at former Music Hall


Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery is celebrating a year since it opened in its new home at the former Music Hall and…

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See and Hear Shropshire Exhibition 2015 coming soon


An event to share information about new technology that can improve the quality of life for people with sensory impairment is being…

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Work required to be extended on Soulton Road in Wem


The current drainage and resurfacing work on Soulton Road in Wem has been extended, after an unforeseen supply issue left the workforce…

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Fibre in focus – Hobsons Brewery


Hobsons Brewery has recently taken up the opportunity to upgrade to fibre broadband after the local cabinet was fibre- enabled as part of the Connecting Shropshire programme.

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Woore Tennis Club: building for the future


Michael Downey, Chief Executive Officer of the Lawn Tennis Association, spent two days in Shropshire last week, during which time he visited…

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