News from ip&e’s Help2Change and our partners Public Health England Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), an umbrella term for serious and progressive lung…
Shropshire Council Newsroom
Posts by Month: December 2015
65 posts found.
Over 6,681 people living in Shropshire are living a life blighted by chronic smoking-related lung diseases
Decisions made by North planning committee on 22 December 2015
The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s North planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 22 December 2015. Land adjacent…
How Fish Climb Trees
'How Fish Climb Trees' is an exciting and innovative project which has been developed in partnership by A4U and Ignition Arts. The project will establish a high quality Theatre Company for members of Shropshire Autism Hub.
Have your say on Shropshire’s budget consultation
Now in the final year of its current three-year Medium Term Financial Plan, Shropshire Council is seeking the views of residents and…
New Year’s message from Malcolm Pate, Leader of Shropshire Council
May I take this opportunity to wish everyone in Shropshire a very happy and prosperous New Year. The new year is going…
Blog: Dry January – Penny Bason
Over the coming weeks, we’re issuing people’s views and experiences about their Dry January 2016 challenge. Today, Penny Bason, Shropshire Council’s health…
Make sure elderly neighbours stay well over Christmas
With the festive season almost upon us, residents in Shropshire are being asked to take time to check on elderly neighbours who…
Shropshire Council vows to support the safest and best health service for all Shropshire residents
‘Shropshire Council continues to ensure the whole of Shropshire receives the best and safest health services across the whole of the county.’…
Thanks expressed as trailblazing term draws to a close
News from our partners University Centre Shrewsbury Russ Millhouse, Head of Secretariat and Student Support A University Centre Shrewsbury (UCS) leader has…
Police issue warning over MDMA tablets
News from our partners West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police are warning people of the dangers of…