26/02/2021 - Permalink

Vision for development of Shrewsbury’s Smithfield Riverside to be considered by councillors

Related topics: Assets and estates / Economic growth

A ‘bold and ambitious’ vision for the one of Shrewsbury’s prime development sites will be considered by councillors at Shropshire Council’s Cabinet meeting on 8 March 2021 – when they will asked to agree that the plans go out for consultation.

The Strategic Development Framework (SDF) sets out a framework for future development of a four-hectare site on the Smithfield Riverside.

The SDF document integrates the future development of the Riverside with work to redevelop the Pride Hill Centre, and considers the significant potential to create a cultural destination in this part of the town, unlock and improve open space, create a key green space, and better connect the area with other parts of Shrewsbury.

It proposes providing a high-quality public realm along the wider riverside walk, and creating green links that provide enhanced access to The Quarry park.

It suggests the creation of new parks, squares and a new Riverside bridge.

It’s intended that development of this area will sustain and enhance the economic, social and environmental performance of Shrewsbury town centre and increase its attractiveness to businesses, investors and developers, to residents, and to visitors, whether for leisure, tourism, culture or to work.

The Riverside site is a key component of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Investable Masterplan. Its development has been made possible by Shropshire Council’s purchase of the Shrewsbury shopping centres in 2018.

At their meeting Cabinet will be asked to approve the Smithfield Riverside SDF, take it forward to consultation, and agree to the development of a procurement and delivery strategy to take this framework forward.

Steve Charmley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for assets, economic growth and regeneration, said:

“This is a really exciting document for the future of Shrewsbury, The Smithfield Riverside SDF is an ambitious but deliverable plan, that provides an opportunity to sustain and grow the future commercial viability of the town.

“This offers a once in a generation opportunity to create a place that people want to visit, and live, work and study in, through a bold, sensitive and sustainable mixed-use development. This has the potential to not only to transform this site, but to also act as a catalyst for the development and growth of the whole town centre.”

Development of the SDF was led by an experienced multi-disciplinary consultancy team, led by LDA Design, working with key stakeholders, businesses and partners, with the public invited to put forward their ideas for the site.

Through this vision LDA Design and Shropshire Council have created a deliverable framework which reflects the needs and aspirations of Shrewsbury.

The SDF will inform the use profile and mix, activities, public realm and open space, streets and squares, as well as promote environmental quality and measures that contribute to climate change mitigation.

To see the Cabinet report, click here.