26/02/2013 - Permalink

Stand as a councillor

Related topics: Democracy

News from our partners Shropshire Association of Local Councils

Ever thought about standing for election and being part of decision-making in your community?

Have you heard about the Localism Act 2011 and the new freedom it gives to local communities to make decisions about the services they want and how they will be delivered?  The next elections for your council are not far away, on 2 May 2013, and you will be voting for those you want to run your council for the next 4 years.

Town and parish councils are at the heart of every community in Shropshire, forming the most local level of elected government with an overall responsibility for the well-being of their area.

Town and parish councils are currently being encouraged to deliver more local services, as government considers they know what is needed and can often provide a better more effective and cheaper service.

As a councillor, you will take part in making decisions at meetings to decide how your council should spend money and what services should be delivered.  Can you monitor how well your council is performing and speak out on behalf of your community?  You will be working in partnership with community groups and voluntary organisations, as well as other councils, to deliver the very best for your area.

Could you take on these responsibilities and rise to the challenge? Yes, challenge, as some decisions will not be easy, and you and your council colleagues will have to stick to the rules that guide your council – not as glamorous as action, but vital to its success.

Still interested?  Shropshire Association of Local Councils have been recording the experiences of other parish councillors in our blog.  You can see what they have to say by clicking the link here.

For more information on standing for election contact the Elections Team at Shropshire Council on elections@shropshire.gov.uk or by visiting our webpages through the link here.