27/06/2012 - Permalink

North planning committee decisions

Related topics: Community / Democracy

The following planning applications were considered and decided by Shropshire Council’s north planning committee at its meeting on Tuesday 26 June 2012.

a) Land south of Hollins Lane, Woodseaves, Market Drayton
Erection of a building for pelletting/storage of biomass crop (Miscanthus) with attached office; installation of roof mounted PV solar panels; provision of a weighbridge; provision of visibility splay and associated works; landscaping scheme to include earth bund.

Decision: That, subject to:

  • The applicants entering into a Section 106 Legal Agreement;
    Conditions 1 to 10 as detailed within the 1st May 2012 Officer’s report;
  • The requirements of Condition 11, as detailed within the 1st May 2012 Officer’s report, be included within the Section 106 Legal Agreement and be expanded to include a maximum radius serving the building; and
  • Condition 12, as detailed within the 1st May 2012 Officer’s report, be amended to refer to “the site”, as included within the 1st May 2012 update sheet and be consecutively numbered.

Planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation as detailed within the 1 May 2012 Officer’s report, and in accordance with the revised siting of the building as detailed within the 26 June 2012 Officer’s report.

b) Station Yard, Station Road, Hodnet
Variation of conditions 6 (outside storage), 7 (use of site / personal) and 8 (outside maintenance) attached to PP. NS/90/01146/FUL to allow the site to be used for general vehicle repairs and maintenance by any person together with associated outside storage and maintenance.

Decision: That:

  • The variation of Condition 6 be refused in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation;
  • The variation of Condition 7 be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation;
  • The variation of Condition 8 be refused and the wording of the original condition be amended to require the doors of the building to be kept closed when repairs or maintenance of vehicles is taking place inside; and
  • Condition 2, as detailed within the report, be removed and remaining Conditions 1, 3, 4 and 5 be consecutively numbered, and be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

c) 11 London Road, Woore
Application for consent of reserved matters (appearance, landscape treatment, layout, scale, access) further to outline planning application ref: 10/02770/OUT for the erection of two dwellings.

Decision: That planning permission be granted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

To see the full agenda and reports, click here.

For further information relating to each of the decisions go to our online planning register and search for an application by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.