04/12/2019 - Permalink

News from our partners: Enjoy indigestion-free festivities, say health bosses

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News from our partners NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Be prepared this festive season with a healthy supply of remedies to help relieve indigestion, say health bosses at NHS Shropshire CCG.

As the season of goodwill fast approaches, and cupboards are filled in preparation for the big day, health experts are advising people to consider picking up indigestion treatment when they next head to the shops.

With Christmas being one of the main culprits when it comes to overindulging, antacids are a medicine cabinet essential for this time of year, and can be purchased at low cost from pharmacies, supermarkets, the high street, and local stores. No appointments necessary.

To help residents over the festive period, a top tips guide has been issued across practices and pharmacies in Shropshire to share information about indigestion, including its symptoms, causes and effective treatment.

Indigestion Information Guide

Indigestion information guide

Elizabeth Walker, a pharmacist and Head of Medicines Management at Shropshire CCG, said:

“The symptoms of indigestion include feeling full or bloated, heartburn, belching, or feeling sick and bringing up food or bitter-tasting fluids.

“However, despite a surplus of hearty meals, assorted puddings, Christmas tipples and mince pies, there is plenty you can do to ease the symptoms of indigestion rather than heading to see your GP. Visit your local pharmacist for advice on indigestion treatments.

“Almost all of us are likely to experience indigestion from time-to-time, so it is a good idea to have some treatment in your medicine cabinet ready for when indigestion strikes.

“To prevent symptoms it is advisable to stay away from rich, spicy or fatty foods, cut down on tea, coffee, fizzy drinks or alcohol; eat smaller frequent meals, and avoid eating three to four hours before going to bed.”

Last year Shropshire CCG spent £73,000 prescribing indigestion and heartburn remedies which could have been bought over-the-counter at a pharmacy or supermarket.

Indigestion poster

Indigestion poster

For further information and advice on indigestion and self care, pop into your nearest pharmacy or visit: www.shropshireccg.nhs.uk/health-advice/self-care.