Category: Democracy

1301 Democracy posts found.

Notice of vacancy published for Alveley and Claverley division

A picture of a polling station to demonstrate voting.

A notice of vacancy has been published for a councillor for Shropshire Council’s Alveley and Claverley electoral division. The notice was published…

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Shropshire Council by-election candidates in Worfield division


The by-election called for the Worfield Unitary Division is contested, and the by-election will be held on Thursday 7 September 2023. The…

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Electoral annual canvass not affected by Electoral Commission data breach

Make sure your correct details are on the Electoral Register

Following the Electoral Commission’s announcement  that it had been subject to cyber attack and data breach, Shropshire Council is reassuring residents that…

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Notice of election published for Worfield division

A picture of a polling station to demonstrate voting.

The notice of election for a by-election in Shropshire Council’s Worfield division has been published today (Wednesday 2 August 2023). It follows…

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Notice published for Pontesbury Neighbourhood Plan referendum on 7 September


On 7 September [2023] residents in the Pontesbury parish will have the opportunity to vote whether or not to adopt a neighbourhood…

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Year end overspend reduces by £1.5m despite inflation and service pressures


The final figures for the latest financial year show that Shropshire Council’s overspend reduced by £1.5m to finish the financial year 2022/23…

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Meet the Leader in Cleobury Mortimer on Thursday 18 May from 10am until midday

Lezley Picton at Meet The Leader in Ludlow on 19 Oct 2021

Lezley Picton, Leader of Shropshire Council, is to host a Meet the Leader event in Cleobury Mortimer next week. Lezley will be…

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Have your say on a new political map for Shropshire Council

A picture of a polling station to demonstrate voting.

News from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England New boundaries are being proposed for council electoral divisions in Shropshire Council. The…

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Change announced to Shropshire Council’s Cabinet

Robert Macey

A change has been announced to Shropshire Council’s Cabinet membership. Rob Gittins has stepped down as Cabinet member for culture and digital,…

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Lezley Picton, Leader of Shropshire Council, on the National Day of Reflection

Lezley Picton, Leader of Shropshire Council

Lezley Picton, Leader of Shropshire Council, on the National Day of Reflection 2023. “The National Day of Reflection is, first and foremost,…

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