A busy and productive 2024 for economic growth in Shropshire
Last year the economy, funding and skills service at Shropshire Council spearheaded a range of activities that have made a real and lasting impact on the county’s economic prosperity.
As the first phase of the UK Shared Prosperity Funding ends in March 2025, £15m of funding was allocated across 60 projects in the county. These projects have delivered positive change across Shropshire.
Thirty community projects and 17 business projects were supported and, with skills being a high priority, 5 projects helped over 50 economically inactive residents into employment and provided 430 individuals with basic and digital life skills.
Moreover, 50 individuals earned qualifications to boost their career prospects.
The Shropshire Growth Hub assisted 1,420 businesses, helped 195 start-ups and ran 123 events attracting over 2,500 delegates.
The Invest in Shropshire team works with larger companies and those looking to move to the county. Alongside promoting Shropshire as a great place to live and work, the team helped businesses to access nearly £5.8m worth of grant funds with a further £1.7m in the pipeline for 2025. They also delivered another highly successful Business Leaders’ Breakfast attended by 150 delegates.
The Marches Careers Hub is responsible for advising and familiarising schools with the future skills needs of employers and introducing students to the world of work. Among its many other achievements last year, it enabled 431 teachers to meet with employers to learn about career paths and industry practices and provided 70 workplace opportunities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities across 3 counties.

Matt Potts, Shropshire Council’s service manager for the economy, funding and skills service
Matt Potts, Shropshire Council’s service manager for the economy, funding and skills service, said:
“As a team we are committed to making Shropshire a great and sustainable place to live, work and invest. It is gratifying at the end of the year when you look at the results of all our efforts and see that we’ve made a positive impact.
“Our thanks must also go to our partners and the numerous organisations and businesses who have worked with us to accomplish so much this year. We look forward to continuing this good work in 2025.”
Mark Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for growth and regeneration, said:
“It is a tribute to the economy, funding and skills service that so much was achieved amidst difficult circumstances and a great deal of change at the council in 2024.
“Despite this we continue to deliver on our promises in The Shropshire Plan to provide a healthy economy for the businesses and residents of Shropshire.”
Further information
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund provided £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. From this fund, £15m was acquired for projects across Shropshire.
The fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.
For more information about the many projects being funded through UKSPF in Shropshire, visit: https://www.investinshropshire.co.uk/uk-shared-prosperity-projects/
For further information on the Shropshire Growth Hub visit: https://www.investinshropshire.co.uk/relocating-and-investing/business-support/
For Invest in Shropshire see: https://www.investinshropshire.co.uk/
For further information on the Marches Careers Hub visit: https://www.marchescareershub.co.uk/ and https://www.investinshropshire.co.uk/why-shropshire/careers-advisor-network/