25/07/2018 - Permalink

Better Regulation and Enforcement Policy: revised policy agreed today by Cabinet

Related topics: Public protection

Shropshire Council’s Cabinet has agreed to a revised Better Regulation and Enforcement Policy today (Wednesday 25 July 2018).

The policy sets out the council’s approach to regulation and the principles that will be used to secure compliance across all council functions and service areas.

The council focusses on achieving compliance primarily through advice and guidance.  Escalation to informal and formal enforcement sanctions are considered where the advisory approach fails, or when there is a risk of significant detriment or harm and more robust enforcement action in required.  The policy makes it clear that every matter that requires regulatory intervention is independently considered on its own merits.

The council recognises that achieving compliance at any cost is not acceptable. However, effective regulation promotes economic growth and prosperity and protects individuals, the community and the environment from harm.  The policy continues to recognise that this is achieved more effectively through co-operation with the community and individuals and forging closer links between regulators and businesses.  It continues to emphasise the need to target regulatory activity and resources away from those who are considered largely compliant, towards those who give rise to the highest risk and cause the greatest detriment and harm.

Joyce Barrow, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for communities, waste and regulatory services, said:-

“The policy demonstrates that the council takes its regulator’s role seriously and that it will work with businesses and the community to secure compliance.  It creates transparency for all stakeholders providing the manner in which the council intends to operate through promoting consistency and proportionality in all aspects of regulation.  It demonstrates the council’s commitment to compliance with the Regulators Code and has been updated to reflect this code as well as incorporating civil penalty sanctions.”

The principles of the revised policy remain the same as those set out in the current Better Regulation and Enforcement Policy, which was adopted by the council in February 2014, and does not change the approach to be taken by the council when considering or undertaking enforcement activity.

Further information

The Regulators Code is issued in accordance with section 22 and 23 of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006 and is available at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/300126/14-705-regulators-code.pdf