12/03/2018 - Permalink

Shropshire Council seeks views on Gambling Act Licensing Policy

Related topics: Public protection

Shropshire Council, as the licensing authority for Shropshire, has begun a consultation process on its ‘Statement of Principles’ under provisions contained in the Gambling Act 2005.

As part of the process the council will be consulting widely but in particular with West Mercia Police, and organisations who represent the interests of people who are likely to be affected by the exercise of the council’s functions under this Act.

Robert Macey,  Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for planning and regulation, said:-

“The council is required to prepare a statement of the principles that it proposes to apply in exercising its functions under the Gambling Act during the next three years and to then publish that statement.”

Frances Darling, Shropshire Council’s trading standards and licensing operations manager, said:

“The preparation, publication and consultation process that is being undertaken is a legal requirement placed upon the council. However, this is not only about the council complying with its legal obligations. This is a genuine opportunity for all stakeholders to make their views known, and I encourage everyone who wishes to comment to do so over the next 10 weeks.”

Councillor Keith Roberts, Chairman of the council’s Strategic Licensing Committee, said:

“The Gambling Act aims to prevent gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder or being used to support crime, to ensure that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way, and to protect children and other vulnerable people from being harmed or exploited by gambling. I would encourage everyone to make their views known as soon as possible, and clearly to do so before the consultation period ends.”

The consultation period closes on Sunday 20 May 2018.  The draft ‘Statement of Principles’ is available to view on ‘Get Involved’ at http://shropshire.gov.uk/get-involved/shropshire-council-gambling-act-policy-consultation/

All comments and representations should be made, and further advice may be sought from, the licensing team at:-

Email: licensing@shropshire.gov.uk

Telephone: 0345 678 9026

Post: Trading standards and licensing service, Shropshire Council, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND.