21/01/2020 - Permalink

News from our partners: Social Psychology professor lecture on 23 January at University Centre Shrewsbury

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News from our partners University Centre Shrewsbury

University Centre Shrewsbury are honoured to present a lecture by Professor Rupert Brown, distinguished Emeritus Professor of Social Psychology, University of Sussex on “The Psychology of Hate” this Thursday (23 January 2020) at 7pm. Professor Brown is one of the leading figures in Social Psychology in the country.

The lecture has proven to be very popular with nearly a full-house signed up at this point from across the county, including 20-30 Police Cadets, age 13-17, from the West Mercia Police.

Professor Brown will be a guest lecturer with our Applied Psychology students from noon to 2pm on Thursday.

Co-founder of the Sussex Hate Crime Project, Professor Brown and his team investigated the indirect effects of hate crimes over five years and in 20 studies with 4,000 participants.  The project examined how hate attacks on a member of community affect the thoughts, emotions and behaviours of other members of that community.

The project provides, for the first time, a comprehensive, empirical understanding of what these indirect impacts are and why they are likely to occur. The project has important implications for the ways in which policy makers and the community respond to hate crime.

In his lecture, Professor Brown will present some of the principal findings from that project, emphasising the socially divisive nature of hate crime and imperative for society to take measures to combat it.