The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Cabinet at its meeting today (Wednesday 25 July 2018). To see the full agenda and papers, click…
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The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Cabinet at its meeting today (Wednesday 25 July 2018). To see the full agenda and papers, click…
On Monday 23 July 2018, HM Coroner for Shropshire, John Ellery, held a Treasure inquest at Shrewsbury Coroner’s Court into a recently discovered…
Essential bridge repairs requiring the closure of Broad Bridge, near Stableford, which carries the B4176 (‘rabbit run’) over the River Worfe, will…
The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s North planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 24…
News from our partners Public Health England New heatwave alerts have been issued across large parts of England to warn people about…
Shropshire Council is inviting people of all ages to join Pete Williamson (BBC Radio Shropshire Astronomer) and the rangers at Severn Valley Country Park to discover the magic of the sun. An event for all the family!
Shropshire’s Community Safety Partnership has launched its Domestic Abuse Strategy as part of its continued commitment to tackle domestic abuse across the county.
Businesses across Shropshire looking to revamp their buildings to facilitate growth are being urged to take advantage of a grant scheme supported by the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) as soon as possible in order to complete their build projects before the scheme’s conclusion in June 2019.
Much Wenlock and Shipton and Broseley and Barrow Local Joint Committee (LJC) areas are encouraging local residents to attend a public meeting on Tuesday 7 August at The Edge Arts Centre in Much Wenlock, starting at 7pm.
A national conference which took place in Shrewsbury this week has been hailed a great success by organisations across the UK.