Category: Children’s services

510 Children’s services posts found.

Shropshire Council awarded £187,000 for primary school cycle training


Shropshire Council has been awarded more than £180,000 from the Department for Transport to continue delivering Bikeability cycle training to primary school…

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Best Start for Life event to be held for parents and carers in Shropshire


Shropshire Council are holding a free event for parents and carers of children under 5, along with partners in the community, to…

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News from our partners: People often feel confused and let down by responses to their NHS and social care complaints

Healthwatch Shropshire

News from our partners Healthwatch Shropshire A survey looking at people’s experiences of making formal complaints about local NHS or social care…

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Staff from 17 primary schools receive free cycle training as part of new pilot


Staff from 17 Shropshire primary schools have received free Bikeability training – to learn the skills needed to deliver basic off-road cycle…

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News from our partners: Teachers get chance to step into the great Shropshire outdoors

Teacher and pupil

News from our partners Field Studies Council Teachers across Shropshire and the Marches are invited to leave the pupils behind while they…

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Have you used our directories to find a service, group or event? Share your thoughts

A group of white females are in a brightly lit room, facing in one direction and doing light exercise stretches

Shropshire Council is asking residents, partners and stakeholders to respond to a survey to let them know how they use the council’s…

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New offer at Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery builds on children’s imagination

children at the imagination playground

A leading architect has been inspired by children’s play to bring a new hands-on attraction to Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery. The…

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Yellow zig-zag lines outside schools to be reviewed and enforced

Markings outside Ellesmere Primary School

Shropshire Council is to carry out a review of the yellow zig-zag lines found outside schools across the county, to ensure that…

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Shropshire Fostering comes to Shrewsbury Pride

Fostering changes lives - infographic

Shropshire Fostering team will be on hand at Shrewsbury’s first ever Pride Festival tomorrow (Saturday 30 September 2023). The team will be…

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Twelve primary schools to be first to take part in new cycle training pilot


Twelve Shropshire primary schools have been chosen as the first to take part in a new cycle training pilot that will give…

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