Residents encouraged to complete adult social care survey
Residents who’ve received a letter to ask their views on adult social care, are being reminded to complete it.

The annual adult social care survey has now launched
The Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey England (ASCS) has been issued to a sample of people who use adult social care services in Shropshire and is part of a national survey overseen by NHS England each year in January.
The survey seeks the views of people who receive care and support services either in their own homes or in residential care and asks questions about quality of life and the impact of services on health and wellbeing. The survey also includes questions about safety and access to information.
Those chosen to take part will receive a questionnaire by post, along with a letter explaining more about the survey and how to complete it. The correspondence also includes a freepost return envelope.
Councillor Cecilia Motley, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health said:
“If you receive a letter asking you to take part in the survey, please do your best to respond. Not everyone will receive a survey, but a significant number will and those with a letter are encouraged to use this opportunity to have their say and provide feedback.
“We understand that some people may receive a survey most years and it may feel repetitive, but we want to reassure you that your efforts to complete the survey are really valued. It is very important to us locally that we understand your feedback and learn from it.
“Through the results of the survey we can find out more about the things that are working well and the areas we can improve. It also helps us to understand how we compare to other local authority areas.
“The survey is based mainly tick box or multiple choice questions.
“Help and support is at hand for those who are selected to take part. Those who may struggle to complete the survey, can contact Shropshire Council’s Customer Service on 0348 678 9077. Easy read, large text versions of the survey, and surveys in another language for anyone who needs a translated copy, is also available on request.”
The annual Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey England (ASCS) will run until March 2024 with reminders issued in February for anyone who doesn’t respond.
This year’s survey will close on Friday 7 March 2025.
Shropshire Council will analyse the results and submit them nationally. NHE England then collates the results from all councils and published the national results in October each year. The analysis allows Shropshire Council to see how we are performing compared to similar local authorities. We can learn how the experiences of people receiving social care in Shropshire may differ to people living elsewhere in England. The results will also be published on the council’s webpages here.
Further information
People can find out the results from previous years surveys here.
NHS Digital (All results)
Shropshire Council (local results)