31/05/2024 - Permalink

Views sought from those who have been affected by domestic abuse

Related topics: Adult social care / Corporate

Shropshire Council’s domestic abuse prevention team is inviting people who’ve been subjected to domestic abuse to come forward and help shape the services that are there to support them.

Anyone who has been subjected to, or affected by, domestic abuse directly or indirectly is welcome to reach out; this includes, but is not limited to, men, women, young people, parents, LGBTQ+.

How to get involved

Those wishing to get involved can do so in several ways. The team’s domestic abuse lived experience officer will chat to you to ensure any feedback is conducted in the safest and most appropriate way for the individual.

Participants can also join the domestic abuse ‘Experts by Experience advisory group’, which offers victims and survivors of domestic abuse a way to influence change and improve services that will impact them and future service users.

The Experts by Experience advisory group meet twice a month online and in person, with each meeting lasting up to two hours. When you contact them, you will be given further details.

The advisory group provides a safe environment to allow participants to discuss tackling issues and helping to improve support services for others who are subjected to / have been subjected to, domestic abuse. No two experiences are the same, and different views are encouraged and treated with respect.


Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for housing and assets, and a White Ribbon Ambassador, said:-

“We are committed to ensure the voices of all people subjected to domestic abuse are heard.

“People who have suffered or are suffering domestic abuse have a huge amount to give to their communities in enthusiasm, ideas, experience, skills and leadership. You are experts of your own experience, and we want to help bring that voice continually to services involved in supporting you through this.

“The domestic abuse prevention team want to make it easier for you to contribute. Experts by Experience will have the opportunity to help guide decisions and improvements, making services inclusive for everyone.

“Sharing your experience really matters and will help improve services for everyone in Shropshire. So do please get in touch and share your thoughts and ideas. We can offer additional support to work sensitively and flexibly, so your voice can be heard and really help make a difference to others.”

Comments from current group members:-

“Participating in the lived experience group has helped me feel empowered to impact change in systems that I struggled to get help from, as well as an understanding of why things went the way they did.”

“I too feel heard and seen…being able to relate to others who truly understand is priceless.”

Kate Connor, Shropshire Council’s lived experience domestic abuse project officer, added:-

“We value your voice, and are currently hoping to bring your voice into our domestic abuse needs assessment to create a well-rounded assessment of what people using the services need when they respond to domestic abuse. With your voices we can make services better for future service users.”

Kate is uniquely qualified for this role because she has lived through domestic abuse as well as working in this field, meaning she understands the impact it has on you and your family, and the barriers you and services face.

Read Kate’s blog here if you want to know more – Blog: Kate Connor’s story, and domestic abuse prevention services – Shropshire Council Newsroom

We will act on your views by listening to you, making decisions together and working to create change within services. This will help us serve those who need it.

If you would like more information on how to get involved, please contact kate.connor@shropshire.gov.uk or call 07977 577674.

Shropshire Council’s domestic abuse prevention team has five members and is led by the domestic abuse strategic lead. They are all working on different aspects of improving the council’s response to domestic abuse.

If you or someone you know is affected by domestic abuse

If you or someone you know is affected by domestic abuse then please contact Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service direct on 0300 303 1191 or via email  sdas@shropsdas.org.uk

If you are or feel at risk or are in imminent danger, then call 999.

For more information about the domestic abuse support visit Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service | (shropsdas.org.uk)

Other help and support

  • Women’s Aid 24hr helpline – 0800 783 1359.
  • For sexual abuse/violence – AXIS Counselling – Axis Counselling 01743 357777
  • Perpetrators wanting help- Cranstoun – contact via – TW@cranstoun.org.uk or call us on 01952 454759.