15/12/2023 - Permalink

Gas main to be replaced on Bellstone, Shrewsbury

Related topics: Highways, transport and environmental maintenance / Partner organisations

Cadent Gas is to carry out work to replace a cast iron gas main on Bellstone, Shrewsbury from Monday 22 January to Friday 1 March 2024.

There have been a high number of gas leaks on Bellstone and, following a request by Shropshire Council, Cadent has now agreed to replace the gas main outside the Market Hall to take away the risk from their network and prevent further subsequent leaks.

Following trial hole work undertaken by Cadent during the summer, it has been established that the gas main can be replaced by using ‘insertion techniques’, enabling Cadent to carry out the works in a less intrusive way by excavating the footpath and loading bay on Bellstone. This will avoid the need for disruptive traffic management measures within the town centre.

Every effort is being made to minimise disruption while work is carried out, and a contingency plan is in place in case it does become necessary to close the road due to unforeseen issues.

Cadent has appointed McPhillips (Wellington) Ltd as their specialist reinstatement contractor, to rectify the previous surface defects on Bellstone and to undertake the final reinstatement upon the completion of the work.

Cadent will have their customer liaison teams on site to notify affected residents and businesses within the town centre and advanced warning signs will be placed on site two weeks prior to work starting.