18/03/2022 - Permalink

Council steps in to save under-threat bus services

Related topics: Highways, transport and environmental maintenance

Shropshire Council has stepped in to temporarily save a number of bus services that Arriva was planning to end or alter from 24 April [2022].

Arriva approached the council with a number of both commercial and subsidised services that they wanted to amend or withdraw from operating due to a fall in the number of fare-paying passengers, which they say is a result of the impact of the pandemic on bus travel.

They also say that the ongoing financial support from the Department for Transport doesn’t fully cover the cost of recovery from the pandemic.

In addition there is still no news from the Government on Shropshire Council’s bid for £98 million to transform bus services across Shropshire – with all councils that applied still waiting for a decision.

Cecilia Motley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member with responsibility for public transport, said:

“Whilst finding any additional funding to support bus services within Shropshire is extremely difficult in the current financial climate, we have been able to provide some temporary support for some of the services that Arriva were looking to withdraw from, and we are hopeful that this period will allow for us to understand what funding may be available from Government in the future.

“We know that some services will still be affected and there may well be a similar picture played out throughout the country, but we are determined to continue to lobby Government with our bus operators for the funding that we need, to make bus services a realistic option as a first choice of travel across Shropshire.

“Along with many other local authorities we continue to await an announcement regarding our bid for Bus Back Better funding – though we still don’t have a firm date for the announcement which keeps being pushed back by Government.”

Follow this link to see the list of the proposed and actual Changes to Arriva bus services.