23/09/2021 - Permalink

Changes to Cabinet following Councillor Steve Charmley’s decision to stand down

Related topics: Democracy

Shropshire Council’s Leader, Lezley Picton has appointed a new deputy leader and made some changes to Cabinet following the decision by Councillor Steve Charmley to stand down from his role as Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for physical infrastructure, highways and built housing due to ongoing health issues.

Taking over from Steve as Deputy Leader will be Councillor Ed Potter who represents the Loton division. Ed will keep his current portfolio of economic growth, regeneration and planning.

Coming onto Cabinet to become Cabinet member for adult social care and public health is Councillor Simon Jones from the Shawbury division. Simon has previously served on Cabinet, and is currently the Chair of the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Moving from the adult social care and public health post to take over the physical infrastructure, highways and built housing portfolio, to include assets, is Councillor Dean Carroll from the Battlefield division.

Lezley Picton, Shropshire Council’s Leader, said:

“It was with great sadness that I accepted Steve’s decision to step down from his role as deputy leader and from Cabinet, but his health must come first. I have really enjoyed working with Steve, he has made good progress with high priority areas such as highways and I publicly thank him for the hard work he has put in.

“On a personal note, he has been really supportive of me in my relatively new role, and I will certainly miss his sense of humour. I wish him all the best.”

Steve will remain as local councillor for Whittington.

The changes will come into place tomorrow (Friday 24 September 2021).

For a graphic showing the full make-up of the new Cabinet and its portfolios, please click here.