25/04/2017 - Permalink

Changing lives through paid employment

Related topics: Adult social care

Changing Our Lives, a rights-based organisation that work in partnership with people with disabilities and mental health needs, recently issued a Quality of Life Review detailing the work achieved by Shropshire Council’s employment service, Enable.

The review was carried out from January to February 2017 with the purpose of exploring people’s experiences of the support given by Enable, both with looking for paid employment and after entering employment.

Changing Our Lives logo

Changing Our Lives logo

A total of 10 individuals were included in the review – four of which Enable had previously supported into employment, and the others in the process of finding employment through Enable’s services. The key themes of the report were: what paid employment means to them and what it brings to their lives; what type of employment they were seeking or are in currently; what type of support they received from Enable and what they thought about the support; what information they received from Enable and in what accessible formats; three great things about Enable, and three things that they could improve on.

When discussing the key themes, the responses from service users was exceptionally positive. Gaining paid employment was a priority for each person.

“Words cannot even explain how much having a job means to me. Even just talking about it makes me emotional. I have worked my whole life, I am a workaholic. So the fact I am unemployed is heart breaking. I need a job to be the person I used to be, to provide for my family and to get out of my house. Yes, I love my home, but I hate being stuck in it all the time. I just want to work and Enable are supporting me to do this. Apart from the health and well-being of my family the only thing I want in my life is a job.”

Those who had already been supported into employment spoke about the positive impact it had had on them, including social inclusion, financial independence and building their skillsets.

“It is so important to me that I am working. I want to earn my own money and I do not want to be on benefits. It is very important that I am doing something in the day as I hate being stuck in the house.”

Responses from both sets of people were extremely positive when discussing the support they have received from Enable.

“It is great that Enable have given me a chance at employment. They have given me a glimmer of hope and I am so thankful for that.”

“The main thing I can say is that they have got me a job, which is just fantastic! They have kept me up to date with the whole process and they have gone out of their way to find me a job. They have given me an opportunity to prove myself!”

Click here to read the full report: http://shropshire.gov.uk/enable/success-stories/quality-of-life-review/

If you are interested in employing someone through Enable or accessing Enable’s services, please call Enable on: 01902 554040 or visit: shropshire.gov.uk/enable

Further information

Enable is a specialist organisation, designed to support people into work. Enable’s main focus is to assist individuals with disabilities and mental health needs to find the right job that suits them. Enable delivers positive, individualised recruitment, as well as a comprehensive package of ongoing advice, guidance and support to both the client and the employer.

Enable works with employers to find good quality staff. With over 20 years of experience, the organisation has a proven track record of ensuring that clients find a career path that suits their interests – helping them to remain motivated. Enable is a champion in Individual Placement Support (IPS). This provides the framework to support people in their efforts to achieve steady employment in mainstream competitive jobs.

Enable firmly believes that employment improves health and builds self-worth, as well as bringing financial and social independence. This is something that the organisation works closely with each of their clients to achieve. With the help of innovative employment schemes and approaches, Enable constantly strives to perform above the national average.