Parking at White Lion Meadow, Whitchurch main item at Whitchurch and Prees LJC on 1 March
The next Whitchurch and Prees Local Joint Committee (LJC) meeting will be taking place on Wednesday 1 March 2017 at 7pm in Whitchurch Civic Centre (Edward German Room). Doors open at 6.30pm to enable people to come along and speak to their councillors.
The main topic for discussion at the meeting will be parking at White Lion Meadow, Tesco site.
Councillor Peggy Mullock, Chair of Whitchurch and Prees LJC, said:-
“Shropshire Council have invited a Tesco representative to attend to discuss the proposed parking restrictions on White Lion Meadow. The aim will be to understand the restrictions on the lease and hear Tesco’s aim for their proposed parking plans. Please come along to let the LJC know your opinions.”
There will also be a presentation from Shropshire Council’s locality commissioning manager, who will give an update on how local organisations are working together on the resilient communities agenda, and the Healthy Lives programme, in the local area.
The local policing team will be updating the meeting on local crime trends and taking questions from the audience. There will be an opportunity for you to ask questions and express concerns about crime and safety in Whitchurch, and the surrounding rural areas.
All papers for the meeting can be found on Shropshire Council’s website, click here. Alternatively, please contact the community enablement officer via email or call 07990 085187.