Shropshire’s school governors have been reminded that some of them still need to take action to meet the challenge of falling pupil…
Shropshire Council Newsroom
Posts by Month: October 2015
71 posts found.
School governors in Shropshire urged to respond to falling pupil numbers
Big challenges in the pipeline as council announces its financial strategy
Shropshire Council is preparing to tackle the biggest financial challenge in over a generation. The challenges highlighted in the council’s Financial Strategy…
Halloween spooky family fun at Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery
Bring your children along to Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery on Saturday 31 October for some spooky Halloween family fun. Halloween Spooky Lunch…
Half-term family fun at Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery
If you’re looking for ways to amuse and entertain your children during half-term week, why not pay a visit to Shrewsbury Museum…
Council seeks delivery partners for proposed energy supply partnership
Local organisations in the energy sector are being asked to express an interest in working with a prospective energy supplier in a…
Decision on future of Buildwas Primary School deferred
A decision on whether to proceed with the proposed closure of Buildwas Primary School is now set to be made by Shropshire…
Stay Well This Winter: now’s the time to get your free flu jab
This week all those in ‘at risk’ groups are being reminded to get their free flu jab. Flu is a highly contagious illness that spreads rapidly through the population.
Shropshire Libraries to host ‘reader in residence’ Deborah Alma at Craven Arms Library
Craven Arms Library is set to get its very own ‘reader in residence’, as part of a regional programme that links artists…
Albrighton Parish Council agrees to consider running Albrighton Library
Albrighton Parish Council has agreed to consider taking over the running of Albrighton Library – if the plans get a positive response…
Applications going to North planning committee on 27 October 2015
The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s North planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Tuesday 27…