What do the Armed Forces mean to you?
In celebration of national Armed Forces Day, Shropshire Council and the Shropshire Armed Forces Community Covenant want to hear your views on what the Armed Forces means to you.
Shropshire Council encourage residents to send us a small written paragraph, a short video clip or even a six second ‘vine’ answering the question:
“What do the Armed Forces mean to you?”
Your answer doesn’t have to be specific or about any one person, but should be short and personal to you or your friends and family.
Tim Barker, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member responsible for the Shropshire Armed Forces Community Covenant, said:
“As an ex-reservist and veteran, I know what the Armed Forces mean to me. There are many of us who will also have served and have a story to tell or view to share. I also encourage those who are not in this position to come forward with their stories and comments, you are an important part of the Covenant ‘family’ and we need your views too.”
Responses will be used as part of a social media campaign aimed at raising awareness for national Armed Forces Day which takes place on Saturday 27 June 2015.
If your answer is selected, you will be notified and your answer will be used to help promote Armed Forces Day.
The campaign will run from the beginning of June and your video will be used daily during the countdown to national Armed Forces Day.
If you would like to take part, please email in your written answers or a link to your video to SAFCC@Shropshire.gov.uk along with your name and contact details. If you would like to share a ‘vine’, you can contact us through twitter at @ShropshireAFCC.
Armed Forces Day – Show your Support.