Shropshire Council has teamed up with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to deliver the Tell Us Once service which, with…
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Shropshire Council has teamed up with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to deliver the Tell Us Once service which, with…
The Encompass Dance and Digital Media Project has appointed a new project co-ordinator. Anna Savill is an experienced producer with over 10…
Shropshire Council has been awarded £100,000 to develop innovative ideas to increase older people’s independence, confidence and links to others who can…
Business and technology experts are among those being invited to advise Shropshire Councillors on developing policy, as the council’s new-look scrutiny committees…
Taxi safety is in the spotlight as Shropshire Council officers step up patrols to ensure revellers can get home safely during the…
The council will be closing its main administrative offices over Christmas and New Year – as it did last year – to save thousands of pounds and reduce energy costs.
Quatt Cricket Club’s pavilion project has received a major boost after being awarded £40,000 under Shropshire Council’s Market Towns Revitalisation Programme (MTRP). …
Shropshire Council is inviting organisations to submit applications to be part of its Short Breaks scheme. The Short Breaks programme provides…
Shoppers looking for last-minute unique Christmas gifts can head to Greenacres Farm in Walford Heath this week.
Cycling Santa joined the final St Giles cycle train of the year, leading a group of children and parents on their cycle ride into school.