News from our partners: SaTH celebrates life-changing clinical research
News from our partners Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH)
The Trust that runs Shropshire’s two acute hospitals will be highlighting the life-changing impact research has had on medicine when it celebrates International Clinical Trials Day on Monday.
Clinical Trials Day (Monday 20 May 2019) is celebrated around the world by research professionals to raise trial awareness and recognise patient, public and staff contributions to public health and medical progress.
More than 2,000 patients at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford (PRH), took part in over 110 research studies in 2017/18, joining over 75,000 people in the West Midlands and 725,000 nationally, the highest number since records began.
Helen Moore, Clinical Trials Manager and Trust Lead Research Nurse for SaTH, said:
“Research is the only way we can continue to improve treatment of diseases and patient care.
“We know patients who take part in clinical trials do better than patients that don’t, even if they receive the standard treatment, so I encourage people to ask their doctor or nurse about how they can get involved in research. They can also view trials seeking volunteers at the UK Clinical Trials Gateway at
“Trials aren’t only open to people who have a medical need, those who are fit and healthy can also take part. If you would like more information, contact the clinical research department on”
On Monday, The Clinical Trials team will be running information stands outside the canteens at RSH and PRH from 12pm-2pm where staff and the public can win prizes by taking part in a research quiz, and play a clinical trials game.
Helen has written a staff blog talking about some of the trials SaTH are currently running. Her blog can be read here. Patients who have taken part in research at the Trust have also spoken about their experiences:
Alan Smith took part in the ‘Stampede’ study which aims to assess new treatment approaches for people affected by high-risk prostate cancer:
“I had no hesitation in getting involved in the trials programme.
“A friend of mine in Germany has already benefitted from revised treatment that was presented in this hospital. His consultant picked up that paper and has applied that treatment successfully, so not only do we see benefits locally here in Shropshire, but this hospital is having an effect worldwide, and that’s not overstating the case.
“The contribution that this hospital is making can make a greater contribution to the benefit of everybody.”
Harriet Swain took part in ‘The Big Baby Trial’ which started labour at 38 weeks for women whose babies appeared bigger than expected for their dates:
“I was measuring quite large all the way throughout my pregnancy, so it was suggested that I become part of the project. Taking part in the study has been fantastic – all the way through I’ve had extra support, I’ve had someone to call if there’s been an issue. I felt really well supported throughout, both from my own midwife and the research midwife.
“Coming in at 38 weeks and having a [birth] date was really interesting. Although I felt nervous I actually really looked forward to the date, and I knew when things were going to happen. I was treated like an absolute queen in the midwifery unit: everybody was really interested in how I was getting on. I can’t put into words how fantastic the whole induction experience was, I just felt really well supported and really well looked after and I actually enjoyed my birthing.”
Harriet’s partner, Mat, added:
“The care and guidance we received from every staff member while we were in the hospital was absolutely fantastic and I think it helped us feel really comfortable with the whole process and made the labour process a lot more comfortable and straightforward for us. Obviously when little Orla arrived the staff were brilliant with us and I can’t thank everyone enough for that.”
Tom Beaumont took part in the ‘Simplified’ study which trialled natural vitamin D for patients receiving Dialysis:
“It is very important that we continue research and trials, for the simple reason that without this we’re not going to progress, and it’s important to us as patients that SaTH do continue and that we do participate in a programme with them.”