Shropshire Council is on the lookout for people interested in working in a new children’s home that is set to open near…
Shropshire Council Newsroom
Category: Children’s services
513 Children’s services posts found.
Care workers sought to work in new children’s home near Oswestry
Shropshire leaders speak to Secretary of State to discuss further funding for the county
The Leader of Shropshire Council, along with Shropshire’s MPs, this week (Tuesday 23 June 2020) spoke to the Secretary of State for…
Coronavirus: “If you See Something, Say Something” – new podcasts launched to help identify safeguarding concerns
Two new training podcasts have been launched to help people identify and act on any safeguarding concerns they may have about an…
Coronavirus: Early Help teams provide support to more than 600 families during the lockdown
Shropshire Council’s Early Help teams have supported a total of 407 families during the coronavirus lockdown, offering direct support to more than…
The wider re-opening of primary schools in Shropshire – an update
Yesterday (Monday 1 June) saw the wider reopening of primary schools in England to extend provision to nursery, reception, Year 1 and…
Coronavirus: Return to school transport advice issued, to help reassure schools and parents
Shropshire Council has published some guidance around school transport to help manage the return of pupils to school from today, Monday 1…
Coronavirus: Mental health support still available during pandemic for children, young people and families
Shropshire Council is reminding children, young people and families that support is still available during the coronavirus pandemic. Mental Health Awareness Week…
Coronavirus: Council to set up two multi-agency task forces to mitigate impact of virus on county
Shropshire Council is to establish two multi-agency task forces to help address and minimise the economic and social impacts of coronavirus on…
The phased re-opening of Shropshire schools – a letter to parents and carers
Dear parents and carers We want to share with you the latest information about the phased re-opening of Shropshire schools. The Prime…
Thank you to our teachers and school staff – an open letter from Shropshire Council
Today (Wednesday 20 May) is national Thank a Teacher Day. On behalf of us all at Shropshire Council we want to take…