Category: Adult social care

603 Adult social care posts found.
Adult services stories.

Council celebrates achieving a ‘good’ rating by Care Quality Commission for its adult social care service  


Shropshire Council praised for its Strong Community Support and Effective Governance. Shropshire Council is delighted to announce that its Adult Social Care…

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Enable awarded contract to support homeless people into employment

Enable logo

Shropshire Council’s Enable Supported Employment service has been awarded a significant contract to deliver employment support to homeless individuals across Shropshire and…

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Residents urged to take part in consultation on proposed charges to telecare offer

Man in kitchen - image credit Age Positive Image Library

Shropshire Council is inviting residents who access the council’s Telecare service, to take part in a public consultation on proposals to introduce…

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Residents encouraged to complete adult social care survey

library image

Residents who’ve received a letter to ask their views on adult social care, are being reminded to complete it. The Personal Social…

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Council and Partners in Care express concerns on potential consequences to care sector, following increase in National Insurance Contribution


Shropshire Council, in collaboration with Partners in Care, has expressed significant concerns regarding the recent government announcements on the rise in employers…

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Pick up the phone you’re not alone – Support available throughout the festive season for those struggling to cope

Suicide Prevention Festive Season Media Post

Shropshire Council and partners are reminding those struggling to cope during the festive season, that support is available, and you don’t have…

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Shropshire Council Overview and Scrutiny Members Highlight Support for Suicide Prevention


Overview and Scrutiny Members of Shropshire Council have been focusing on issues and services about mental health over recent months. At their…

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A Shropshire first for Enable


Shropshire council’s supported employment service, Enable have recently achieved a first for the county and for themselves. Thanks to support from Enable,…

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Council seeks views from those who attend its day opportunities


Shropshire Council is gathering the views from those who attend its day opportunities, along with their families, friends, and staff. The engagement…

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Social workers strike gold at national awards

Social workers holding awards

Two Shropshire Council social workers are celebrating after winning prestigious awards at the national Social Worker of the Year Awards. Congratulations to…

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