30/07/2024 - Permalink

Shropshire Council launches new ‘One Stop’ website for North West Relief Road

Related topics: Climate change / environment / Community / Highways, transport and environmental maintenance

Shropshire Council is pleased to announce the launch of its new webpages dedicated to providing the up-to-date information about the Shrewsbury North West Relief Road (NWRR).

Traffic on Smithfield Road in Shrewsbury.

Traffic on Smithfield Road in Shrewsbury.

The council aims to provide more transparency around the new road, and keep residents, businesses, and stakeholders informed about the progress and key milestones of this vital infrastructure project.

The new pages offer a comprehensive guide to all things related to the NWRR, and will provide a ‘one stop’ resource for updates to the scheme, ahead of the submission of the full business case for the road later this year.

Visitors can find detailed project plans, timelines, news updates, and upcoming opportunities for public engagement. The page also features CGI plans for the road, FAQs, and contact information for those seeking further details or wishing to provide feedback.

Lezley Picton, Shropshire Council’s Leader, said:

“The Shrewsbury North West Relief Road is a crucial development for our community, and we are committed to keeping everyone informed and involved throughout the process.

“These webpages are a key part of our efforts to ensure transparency and open communication with the public.”

The Shrewsbury NWRR project is designed to improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance connectivity in the region. By providing a dedicated online platform, the council aims to foster a better understanding of the project’s benefits and address any concerns from the community.

The full business case is expected to be discussed by Council in September, before being submitted to the Department for Transport later this year.