What’s happening in Oswestry? An update from the Future Oswestry partnership
It’s important that local people and businesses feel informed about what’s going on in Oswestry in terms of public spaces, future developments, roads and highways, and projects that will enhance everyday life.
The Future Oswestry partnership is comprised of representatives from Shropshire Council, Oswestry Town Council, Oswestry BID and members of the community, and was set up in 2020 to help deliver activities and projects that will benefit the town, its residents and its businesses.

Read more about the partnership and some of its projects.
Please see below recent updates from the partnership:-
Proposed solar farm at former landfill site, Maesbury Road, Oswestry
Shropshire Council are preparing to apply for planning permission to construct an approximate 2 megawatt (MW) solar farm on a closed landfill site on Maesbury Road.
Following completion of a feasibility report for the site in March 2021, and approval from Full Council in January 2022, work is focused on negotiating a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with a local business and obtaining the additional documentation and evidence required to submit a planning application.
Oswestry Innovation Park
Shropshire Council will shortly be procuring an organisation to lead the infrastructure works (including roads and utilities) for the business park.
Once this procurement exercise has been completed, an estimated completion date for Oswestry Innovation Park will be possible.
It is the council’s ambition that, once infrastructure works have been completed, serviced employment land plots will follow and be available from 2024/25, subject to contracting arrangements.
Cambrian Heritage Railways
Shropshire Council has recently completed the surrender back to the council of a lease of the historic, Grade II listed Old Station Building at the Cambrian Heritage Railways site on Oswald Street.
Cambrian Heritage Railways will continue to operate their ticket office from within the railway building, whilst the council looks at future usage.
The building is currently undergoing some repairs, and we know that the local community are eager to see the exterior scaffolding removed. The scheme is set to be completed in the next few months.
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan
The draft Shropshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) was approved to go out to public consultation by Shropshire Council’s Cabinet on 8 March 2023.
The draft LCWIP has been developed to provide a cohesive approach to the delivery of a high-quality walking and cycling network across Shropshire. The core purpose of the LCWIP is to identify and prioritise long term investment over a ten-year period (up to 2032) in new and upgraded walking and cycling provision across Shropshire.
Oswestry is one of seven key focus areas of the draft LCWIP. A draft network plan for both walking and cycling has been developed for Oswestry, as well as a prioritised programme of active travel infrastructure improvements which informs which routes or areas should be considered for further development first.
Public consultation opens on Monday 17 April. The LCWIP team will be holding roadshow events across Shropshire to give the public an opportunity to speak to staff about the draft network plan and proposed active travel infrastructure improvements. The team will be at Oswestry Market on Wednesday10 May 2023 from 8.30am – 12pm.
Festival Square engagement
Oswestry BID has been awarded grant funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund* to complete a feasibility study on the best way forward for Festival Square.
A variety of options have been suggested in recent years around how Festival Square might best serve the town. Oswestry BID would like to hear from businesses, residents, and visitors to really understand the town’s needs and wants for Festival Square; to consider the possibilities and develop a series of possible designs.
The BID has engaged Environmental Associates to work with them on this study, so look out for updates in the coming weeks to share your thoughts with the team.
You can also share your thoughts with Louise Christian at Environmental Associates, via email LC@environmentalassociates.net or call 01244 311666.
Roadsigns action plan
Following a first phase of roadsign improvements – removal, repair, cleaning, or repositioning – Oswestry BID are producing a new prioritised action list for the next phase.
An example of sign removal would include ‘New Traffic Signals Ahead’ signs that should be removed after six months, but are currently still in place.
The new list contains sign photos and suggested actions to be taken. BID will then work with Shropshire Council to make the changes to clarify navigation and improve the trading environment.
For more information on Oswestry BID, visit: oneoswestry.co.uk or on Facebook @oswestrybid and @oneoswestry.
Keep up to date with news and updates from the Future Oswestry partnership by following their Facebook and Twitter accounts @FutureOswestry.
* The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the Government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus and follow #UKSPF on Twitter.