09/05/2019 - Permalink

An exciting Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly annual meeting planned for 20 May 2019

Related topics: Community / Partner organisations

Shropshire’s Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly (VCSA) Board is busy planning for its Annual Assembly meeting on Monday 20 May 2019, from 9am to 1pm in the Council Chamber, Shirehall, Shrewsbury.

logo for voluntary and community sector assembly

Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly in Shropshire logo

Chris Child, current Chair of the VCS Assembly Board, said:

One thing that always heartens me is the resilience and perseverance of community, voluntary and social enterprise groups. I’ve met a number of you at local forums – which seem to be emerging more and more across the county – and your positive outlook and desire to go the extra mile to make a difference always make me feel optimistic about the future.”

The annual event is always well supported by delegates from the voluntary and community sectors; however, statutory partners are encouraged to attend, and this year’s event promises to be particularly interesting. The VCSA Board will be taking a look back, reviewing work done over the last year, and also engaging with the wider VCSA membership to discuss plans for the future.

Emma Stone, Director of Design and Research at Good Things Foundation, will be discussing the bigger picture about digital inclusion and why this matters more than ever for the community and voluntary sector, with specific focus on rural issues including drawing on experience of rural members in the network. She will explain more about the work of the foundation and encourage delegates to reflect on what they’re already doing, and what more they could do, on digital inclusion as part of their mission.

Peter Cunnison, Grant Manager from Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales, will talk about the support and funding that can be applied for via the foundation (an independent charitable trust funded by Lloyds Banking Group).

Mark Barrow, Shropshire Council’s director of place, along with other public sector partners, will talk about current developments in their organisations.

Registration for the Shropshire VCSA Annual Assembly is available via Eventbrite. Registration takes seconds, you only need your name and email to book a place. Please visit:


Spaces are limited so booking is essential. Details of the event are provided on the Eventbrite registration page. If you have any questions please contact Shropshire Council’s feedback and insight team on 01743 250094 or email vcsassembly@shropshire.gov.uk.

There are over 1,000 registered voluntary organisations operating in Shropshire, plus many more community groups, all of whom are welcome to join Shropshire’s Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly free of charge. To find out more email: vcsassembly@shropshire.gov.uk, tel: 01743 250094, or visit: www.vcsvoice.org.