Applications going to Central planning committee on 3 March 2016
The following planning applications will be considered by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Thursday 3 March 2016 at 2pm.
The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. To see the full agenda and reports click here.
- Proposed closure of New College Road, at London Road, Shrewsbury
- Land at Great Ryton, Shrewsbury (15/ 03259/REM) Reserved matters application (layout, appearance, scale and landscaping) pursuant to 14/03221/OUT for the erection of 2 No. dwellings and garages.
- Hencote Farm, Cross Hill, Shrewsbury (15/03349/FUL) Erection of a winery, visitor centre (to include a restaurant and event hall) and maintenance building; formation of court yard, service yard, visitors car parking; landscaping to include boundary fencing and entrance gates; associated facilities.
- Proposed residential development west of Caradoc View, Hanwood, Shrewsbury (15/04119/REM) Reserved matters pursuant to outline permission ref: 13/04967/OUT for the erection of 20 dwellings to include appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (amended description).
- Proposed residential development west of Bryn Road, The Mount, Shrewsbury (15/04627/REM) Reserved Matters pursuant to outline permission reference 14/00743/OUT for residential development to include appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.
- 3 Charlton Hill, Wroxeter, Shrewsbury, SY5 6PS (15/04988/FUL) Erection of three bay part open fronted detached garage/store to include roof mounted solar panels; siting of an external air source heat pump; formation of driveway and turning area; alterations to existing vehicular access.
- Land at Snod Coppice, Rowton, Shrewsbury (15/04011/EIA) Erection of two poultry rearing buildings, four feed bins and other ancillary buildings, landscaping including ground modelling and tree planting.
Decisions will be made available after the meeting on our online planning register which you can search by using the appropriate reference number or keyword.