Whitchurch Party in the Park fast approaching
Whitchurch Party in the Park is taking place on Saturday 1 June 2013 from 1pm until 7pm in Jubilee Park, Whitchurch.
This free community event – organised by Whitchurch Chamber of Trade, Whitchurch Town Council and Shropshire Council – will provide an afternoon of local entertainment and music for all ages, arts and crafts and plenty of local produce to eat and drink.
Whitchurch Community Alcohol Partnership (WH-CAP) have provided funding for a 9ft climbing wall for attendees to use and will be on hand to offer advice and guidance on underage drinking to young people and parents alike. WH-CAP is supporting the countywide Shrop-CAP campaign – an initiative to help tackle underage drinking in the county.
Alongside WH-CAP will be a graffiti artist offering an opportunity to be imaginative and create an original piece of street art to be displayed in Whitchurch.
Big Reds House will be hosting an arts and crafts marquee and launching the ‘Big Reds Big Picture’, funded by the Meres and Mosses Landscape Partnership. Also in the marquee will be demonstrations from craft producers and cottage industries on how they make their products.
Whitchurch Photographic Society will also be attending and provide a gallery celebrating the wealth of local independent traders.
The annual party is hosting local musical talent on the bandstand, including Jigsmith, Top Bananas and an Adele tribute act. Other performances will come from Whitchurch community groups, including cheerleading and zumba.
For more information contact Nicki Young, community action officer on 01939 237429.