10/07/2012 - Permalink

Bowbrook, Copthorne and Radbrook LJC on 19 July

Related topics: Democracy

The next Bowbrook, Copthorne and Radbrook Local Joint Committee (LJC) will be at 7pm on Thursday 19 July 2012 at Radbrook Primary School, Calverton Way, Radbrook, Shrewsbury, SY3 6DZ. 

The agenda contains items of local interest including: 

  • Updates from the three local councillors.  Councillors Peter Adams (Bowbrook division),  Peter Nutting (Copthorne) and Keith Roberts (Radbrook).
  • Briefing from the council’s central area director, Clive Wright, on the Government’s localism agenda.
  • Planning updates.
  • Police report.
  • Highways update.
  • Funding information.

The public have the opportunity to have their say and raise issues of concern. 

A funding application will be considered from the Bowbrook Allotment Community, who are seeking funding to purchase guttering, pipes and water butts as part of their ‘wise watering’ project. 

The Chair of the LJC, Councillor Peter Nutting, said:-

“Parking and traffic problems are growing in the Copthorne, Radbrook and Bowbrook areas, and councillors welcome the views of residents at this LJC.  Now the hospital have announced increases in parking charges, things can only get more difficult and we need the support of residents to try to get things improved.” 

For further information please contact the community action officer Gwyn Bevan on 01743 252482 or email gwyn.bevan@shropshire.gov.uk.