19/02/2025 - Permalink

Shropshire leadership team to reduce by a third to deliver £1m savings boost

Related topics: Corporate / Finance and budget

Shropshire Council is reducing its senior leadership team by almost a third as part of plans for a new operating model, saving the council around £1m per year. 

The Council’s new senior leadership team reduces the number of senior managers from 20 to 12.5, including a reduction of 8 Assistant Director level posts where there were previously 15. This is a far greater reduction than to any other layer of the Council’s structure and is a critical step as part of plans to become smaller council overall, reducing the workforce by around 1 in 5 posts. 

Aimed at enhancing efficiency, improving service delivery, and ensuring financial sustainability, the plans published today build on the principles and model previously approved. 

Key features of the new operating model include a new dedicated commissioning function to ensure the council delivers the best value services, supporting the long-term strategy. 

It is also designed to be agile enough to respond to the requirements of both a new Government and new group of councillors following May’s elections, ensuring the council continues to deliver statutory duties effectively and efficiently. 

Gwilym Butler, Shropshire Council’s cabinet member for finance, corporate resources and communities said; 

The last few months we have made very significant progress in our transformation, including our move to leave Shirehall to the more modern and efficient headquarters at The Guildhall. This new structure builds on this and many other achievements, such as improving customer services through greater use of technology, as we look ahead to a sustainable future. 

“This is the right time to be bold and optimistic as we take the vital next steps to future sustainability – becoming the council we need to be.” 

The report will go to a meeting of Full Council on Thursday 27 February 2025.  

View the report here.