10/10/2024 - Permalink

Feedback report published, following recent consultation on the future of Oak Farm

Related topics: Adult social care

Shropshire Council is pleased to feedback following the recent consultation on the future of Oak Farm, a day opportunities service located in Ditton Priors, South Shropshire.

The consultation, which ran from 15th July 2024 to 2nd September 2024, sought feedback from people who use the service, their families, stakeholders, and the wider community on proposed changes to the service.

Oak Farm, currently operated by Bethphage, offers support to approximately 30 individuals with learning and physical disabilities. Due to Bethphage’s vision to relocate their services to a new site, Shropshire Council explored multiple options for the future of Oak Farm.

Feedback was gathered through various means, including Easy Read surveys sent to current service users, an online public survey, and two consultation events. In total, 88 responses were received, comprising 68 public survey responses and 20 Easy Read survey responses.

Proposed Options

Three options were presented to respondents:

  • Option 1: Cease operations at Oak Farm, with alternative support identified for each individual.
  • Option 2: Secure a new provider for Oak Farm, subject to lease arrangements with the landowner.
  • Option 3: Move services to the new Bethphage-owned site at Lower Sutton Farm, Sutton, Chelmarsh.

Consultation findings

A significant majority of respondents (90% of the public survey and 94% of the Easy Read survey) expressed a preference for Option 3, highlighting the importance of continuity and the benefits of the new site’s enhanced facilities. Respondents emphasised the safe and supportive environment provided by Oak Farm and the high-quality care delivered by Bethphage.

Impacts and Considerations

Respondents noted the potential negative impacts of changes in routine and the importance of maintaining stability for service users. Concerns were also raised regarding transportation and accessibility to the new site. The feedback underscored the need for detailed individual assessments post-transition to ensure that the specific needs of each service user are met.

Cecilia Motley, Cabinet member for adult social care and public health, said:

“We are immensely grateful to all participants for their valuable feedback.

“We know how important Oak Farm is to those who use it and it is crucial that we ensure the continuation of high-quality care and support for the individuals who rely on the farm.

“The consultation results will be used to inform the final decision-making process. We are committed to ensuring that any changes to the service will support the best outcomes for all current and future users of the service.”

You can view the Oak Farm Consultation report here: oak-farm-consultation-report-sept-2024-v2.pdf (shropshire.gov.uk)