07/06/2024 - Permalink

Names of general election candidates announced

Related topics: Democracy

A picture of a polling station to demonstrate voting.

The names of the candidates standing in the general election on Thursday 4 July have been published.

In the three constituencies that are the responsibility of Shropshire Council, the candidates are:

North Shropshire

  • Baynes, Simon – Conservative
  • Cladingbowl, Samuel – Independent
  • Emery, Craig – Green Party
  • Morgan, Helen – Liberal Democrat
  • Rowley, Natalie – Labour
  • Whittle, Mark – Reform UK


  • Applegate, Victor – Reform UK
  • Bovill, Chris – English Democrats
  • Buckley, Julia – Labour
  • Dean, Julian – Green Party
  • Gollins, James – Independent
  • Kawczynski, Daniel – Conservative
  • Wagner, Alex – Liberal Democrat

South Shropshire

  • Anderson, Stuart – Conservative
  • Green, Matthew – Liberal Democrat
  • Shackerley-Bennett, Charles – Reform UK
  • Thomson, Simon – Labour
  • Wendt, Hilary – Green Party

The full statement of persons nominated (SOPN) for each constituency can be found on the Shropshire Council website.

The candidates for The Wrekin constituency – which now includes part of the Shropshire Council area – can be found on the Telford & Wrekin Council website.