Views sought on independent living and specialist accommodation in Shropshire
Residents and businesses are being asked for their views on a draft plan that will help vulnerable people in the county have access to the right accommodation.

Library image of man with dog. Photo credit Centre for Ageing Better
The Draft Independent Living and Specialist Accommodation Strategy was approved to go out to consultation by Shropshire Council’s Cabinet on Wednesday 21 February 2024, and focuses on addressing the housing needs of vulnerable populations in Shropshire.
The draft strategy is based on the principle of supporting people to remain independent within their own homes and communities for as long as possible and providing choice and control over their living environments.
The strategy sets out a clear vision to enable older, vulnerable and people with disabilities to lead independent lives in housing suitable to their needs and identifies several priorities including: –
- addressing diverse housing needs
- providing home improvement and assistance
- tackling fuel poverty
- delivering accessible and adaptable housing
- providing specialist accommodation
- preventing homelessness.
Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for housing and assets, said:
“We recognise the current challenges around housing across the county, particularly for our most vulnerable communities.
“Our draft strategy not only describes the critical importance of housing as more than just shelter, it emphasises the importance of providing more homes that meet various housing needs, especially for older, vulnerable, and disabled individuals.
“The strategy advocates for additional homes to be provided, including ‘move-on’ housing for people taking a step into independence, and supported housing schemes targeting area of highest need. There is also a strong focus on working in partnership with housing providers locally to focus on the prevention of homelessness.
“The purpose of this public consultation is to gather the views of as many people in Shropshire as possible. If you do have a vested interest in this, I strongly encourage you to take part and give you views. Your feedback will help shape our future plans to help deliver homes that meet the needs of our most vulnerable residents.”
Partner organisations are encouraged to contribute, including housing providers, public sector organisations, voluntary and community sector service providers and many others working with people in need of housing support.
The consultation has been extended and will now close on Sunday 28 April 2024.
To find out more and to get involved go to Draft Independent Living and Specialist Accommodation Strategy | Shropshire Council