14/09/2023 - Permalink

New call for applications for UK Shared Prosperity Fund monies

Related topics: Economic growth

A new window for applications for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) opened this week. It will be for activity that delivers between Wednesday 1 November 2023 and March 2025.

This will focus on three priorities: supporting local businesses, community and place, and the rural fund.

Under the supporting local business priority, the council is seeking applications for projects from intermediary organisations to deliver support to businesses, for example through business support initiatives or grant programmes, ie one to many. It is not a call that will support individual grant requests from businesses for their own benefit.

Under the community and place priority, the council is once again seeking applications from intermediary organisations to deliver support, services, amenities or facilities to local communities. This could include community and place initiatives or grant programmes, ie one to many. Projects under this priority must deliver a positive impact on their community, and the call will support applications that can clearly demonstrate this.

Under the community and place rural funds, the council is seeking applications for capital only projects that will address improvement/creation of local green spaces and improvement/creation of active travel initiatives. This fund is only available for the rural areas of Shropshire, and therefore activity within the Shrewsbury Town Council area is not eligible.

All projects under the calls must start within six months of Wednesday 1 November 2023, and all outputs and outcomes must be delivered by 31 March 2025.

The minimum contract value is £100,000 for activity relating to supporting local business, community and place capital projects, and rural funds. For community and place revenue activities there is a minimum value of £60,000.

Organisations have until Friday 6 October 2023 at 5pm to apply for the supporting local business, and community and place calls. The deadline for the rural fund call is Friday 13 October 2023 at 5pm.

All prospective applicants are encouraged to refer to further details on how to apply, particularly the eligibility criteria. All the necessary documentation is available here:


Mark Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for growth and regeneration, said:-

“We are excited to be able to launch the second call for Shropshire’s UKSPF funds, and we are looking forward to being able support a range of projects and programmes that will complement the activity we have already committed to.”

If you have any queries or wish to speak with a member of the team in more detail, please email ukspf@shropshire.gov.uk.