Draft Healthier Weight Strategy for Shropshire – residents and stakeholders urged to give their views
At the Shropshire Health and Wellbeing Board held on 15th June 2023, members supported the launch of a consultation on a draft Healthier Weight strategy.

A consultation on Shropshire Council’s draft healthier weight strategy will run for 10 weeks.
Two-thirds of adults are an unhealthy weight in Shropshire, as well as almost one-third of 10-11 year olds.
The draft strategy has been written following a survey that launched in September 2022, when Shropshire residents and stakeholders shared their thoughts and suggestions. Current evidence, national research and local data on the scale and impact of unhealthy weight have also been used to develop the proposed strategy.
The consultation includes a short online questionnaire. People can respond as a member of the public or a stakeholder. Stakeholders include staff from NHS, Shropshire Council and other partner organisations such as those in the voluntary and community sector.
The final strategy will be based on feedback received during the consultation and everyone’s views count.
Cecilia Motley, Shropshire Council’s cabinet member for public health, adult social care and communities said:-
“The health and wellbeing board are pleased to support a consultation on the new draft healthier weight strategy. Views from the public and from stakeholders have already been valuable to the early stages of planning and will continue to shape this strategy so that it benefits as many people as possible.”
Rachel Robinson, Shropshire Council’s director of public health said:-
“At Shropshire Council, we recognise the challenges that our residents face in maintaining a healthy weight.
“With this in mind, the focus of our proposed strategy is making sure that healthy living becomes easier for everybody; working with our partners to remove barriers, reduce inequalities and promote the opportunities that are available.
“The draft strategy is based on the feedback we received during community engagement, so that our plans fit with the experiences of our residents. We are really grateful to everybody who took the time to share this information with us and would encourage people to let us know what they think about the draft strategy now.
“Your views are important to us and will help us to launch an effective strategy that supports our residents to live healthier lives for longer.”
The formal draft consultation will run for 10 weeks, opening on 30 June 2023 and closing on 7 September 2023.
Take a look at the draft strategy and complete the survey here.