12/01/2023 - Permalink

Shropshire Inequalities Plan to be discussed by Cabinet next week

Related topics: Adult social care / Coronavirus / Health / Partner organisations

Proposals for a new Inequalities Plan will be discussed by Cabinet at their meeting next week – Wednesday 18 January 2023. This plan was presented to, and endorsed by, Shropshire’s Health and Wellbeing Board in November 2022. 

The five-year plan recommends strategies to tackle inequalities which have an impact on health outcomes for groups and individuals across the county. 

In the plan, health inequalities are defined as unfair and avoidable differences in health, impacting the lives of thousands of Shropshire residents. It highlights the many areas where inequalities are present, and evidences the ways that each of these can have an impact our health, especially when they are combined. 

The plan sets out the strategy and action to overcome these inequalities and improve health and wellbeing for everybody in Shropshire. 

The Inequalities Plan shares priority areas with the Integrated Care System and NHS, the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and the ‘wider determinants of health’ detailed in the Shropshire Plan. Socially excluded groups are also a priority for the inequalities plan. 

Rachel Robinson, Shropshire Council’s executive director of public health, said:- 

“We are aware of the many factors that can affect the health of our communities, and that a number of these are linked to the levels of inequality that we see within Shropshire. Poverty, housing and our rural geography are just three examples; and there are lots of people who experience multiple inequalities, which worsens the impact on their health even more. 

“By understanding the reasons behind the vast difference in health outcomes for groups in our county, we have been able to devise a plan to tackle the issue with concrete actions and commitments from across our organisation, working closely with our partners.” 

Cecilia Motley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for adult social care, public health and communities, said:- 

“Council officers and sector colleagues have presented an ambitious plan based on strong evidence and effective, collaborative actions to be delivered closely with our partners. It is recognised that tackling inequalities that influence health can also bring economic benefit to the wider community, which benefits all of us in Shropshire.”