Shropshire Council pays tribute to county’s volunteers
As part of Volunteers Week, from today (1 June) until Tuesday 7 June 2022, Shropshire Council and our partners want to thank all the county’s volunteers for their dedication and time.
Hundreds of volunteers make invaluable contributions to council services. From volunteer drivers, wellbeing walk leaders and school governors, to museum, library and countryside and park volunteers, digital ambassadors and more; residents make a huge difference in their local communities and environments.
Shropshire has a strong and vibrant voluntary and community sector that plays a key role in supporting local residents, communities and causes. There are over 135,000 people in Shropshire who formally volunteer their time across the county’s voluntary organisations.
Cecilia Motley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for communities, culture, leisure and tourism, and transport, said:-
“Volunteers have been active, and continue to be active, in the heart of every Shropshire community, even more so after the last few difficult years.
“Their dedication, time and hard work to support people, communities, services and causes is truly admirable.
“We are incredibly proud of all the amazing volunteers we have here in Shropshire.
“Throughout the pandemic we’ve seen people volunteering their time to help and it was truly inspiring to witness. They certainly stepped up and have played a key role in supporting the community, and will continue to be instrumental in our county’s recovery.
“Volunteers Week is a time for us all to recognise the fantastic volunteering contributions. I’d like to say a heartfelt thanks to all the county’s volunteers. Thank you for giving your time and sharing your care and dedication.”
The pandemic has raised the profile of volunteering, and more people than ever are aware of the immense contribution being made every single day by Shropshire’s volunteers.
Many of the volunteers who have provided invaluable help during the pandemic expressed their enjoyment and highlighted their positive experiences. With the help of the Community Resource, Shropshire Infrastructure Partnership (SIP) Voluntary and Community Sector Support team, many have since continued to volunteer within their local communities in other roles, as the vaccination programme scales down.
A local volunteer fed back a glowing testimonial:-
“I retired just before the first Lockdown and was planning on going travelling. These plans were scuppered, and I needed something to do. I decided to volunteer to help get people vaccinated in the hope the country could get back to normal as soon as possible. I have thoroughly enjoyed the volunteer experience, meeting people from all walks of life. I have been really impressed with everyone’s professionalism and friendliness. Through the SIP Team I have recently signed up to volunteer at the Flaxmill Maltings in Shrewsbury and look forward to meeting new people when the visitor centre opens later this year.”
There are many opportunities to volunteer within the council, including libraries, museums, the outdoors, arts and festivals and more.
To find out about more about becoming a volunteer in Shropshire:-
The SIP Voluntary and Community Sector Support Team work together with local charitable groups and organisations to support their volunteer needs. If you would like to become a volunteer or are interested in finding out more, please contact or call Duncan Spilsbury, volunteer engagement officer community resource, on 01743 342169.