12/05/2022 - Permalink

Shropshire living the best life 

Related topics: Corporate / Partner organisations

Shropshire living the best life is Shropshire Council’s new vision, providing the focus for its work in the coming three years and beyond as it delivers the Shropshire Plan.  

The Shropshire Plan, which went out to public consultation at the start of the year, is being presented to Full Council today (Thursday 12 May 2022) for approval by councillors. 

It is through this plan that the council will set out its direction until 2025 and beyond to deliver the priorities: Healthy People, Healthy Economy, Healthy Environment, and Healthy Organisation.  

Delivery of the vision, priorities and strategic objectives will be delivered through the council working with communities, partners across sectors, and providers, drawing on the collective strengths, skills, and experience. 

This combined and integrated approach will be needed to tackle inequalities, including rural inequalities, and provide earlier intervention to prevent people from needing higher levels of support and services.     

Within the council, the Shropshire Plan frames a set of key strategic plans and policy documents that sit at the top and centre of its strategies and policies. These include the Strategic Plan, the Financial Strategy (agreed at Council on 24 February 2022) and the Performance Management Framework (PMF) which sets out the how the council will identify how it will know whether and when it is achieving the priorities.  

These in turn are underpinned by the Shropshire Plan delivery plans and service delivery plans which are currently under development. They will be key in setting out what will be done to deliver the priorities and the strategic objectives, with the actions filtering through the council to inform team plans and the individual plans of staff at all levels. 

Lezley Picton, Leader of Shropshire Council, said: 

“Having a plan in place that provides a clear route map for the next three years and beyond provides us all with a focus on what we are trying to achieve. 

“We have all seen our communities pull together over the last couple of years, demonstrating how strong and resilient they are, despite all of the challenges we’ve faced.  

“However, whilst restrictions have lifted, the cost of living crisis means that there are many challenges still ahead and we need to make sure that we build on what we’ve already achieved. 

“This amazing community spirit is something that we recognise in the Shropshire Plan. We aim to place how we work with others at the heart of how we will deliver our outward facing priorities: Healthy People, Healthy Economy, and Healthy Environment. 

“We are stronger together and I believe we can achieve lasting impact if we can pull together once more.”  

Andy Begley, Shropshire Council’s chief executive, said:- 

“The approval of the Shropshire Plan, confirming the vision and the priorities, will be an important step for us as we prepare to meet new challenges and move forward with tackling the impact of the pandemic. 

“The plan provides the focus and foundation that we will use to deploy our resources, how we will work with our partners, and what we will ask of our providers. It also reinforces the importance of our communities being involved in shaping and delivering the future.” 

To read the Shropshire Plan, people can visit https://shropshire.gov.uk/committee-services/documents/s30393/Appendix%20A%20-%20Shropshire%20Plan%20May%202022.pdf.