16/03/2022 - Permalink

ANPR cameras go up in three Shropshire villages to deter speeding drivers

Related topics: Highways, transport and environmental maintenance / Partner organisations

With one of the new cameras in Hanwood are Deputy Chief Constable Julian Moss, Councillors Roger Evans, Nick Hignett, Duncan Fletcher, Geoff Rogers, and John Campion, West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner (see full details below)

For the first time in both Shropshire and the West Mercia Police area, automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras are going up in three villages this week in a bid to deter speeding drivers, following the award of an £18,600 grant from the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner.

Pontesbury, Minsterley and Great Hanwood parish councils made a successful joint bid for the funding as part of efforts to tackle speeding traffic in their villages. It’s the first such funding award in the West Mercia area.

This money is being match-funded by each parish council and is the result of the many requests received to try and persuade drivers of all vehicles to slow down when passing through these rural villages, which all lie on the A488.

The funding means one ANPR camera will be placed on a Shropshire Council street-lighting column in each village, in locations that will benefit most from a reduction in speed.

The cameras are being installed on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 March, on the approach to each village. They are being fitted to Shropshire Council lampposts so their locations can be changed without notice, making them even more effective.

Each camera uses the very latest in ANPR technology. Unlike conventional ‘speed cameras’ ANPR can record a vehicle’s speed, number plate, time, date and photograph it. The software can also record offenders, who could be visited by the police.

They can and will also be used to fight rural crime, and build an intelligence picture.

In a joint quote, the chairs of the three parish councils and the local Shropshire Councillors  – Geoff Rogers, Duncan Fletcher, Roger Evans and Nick Hignett – said:

“The three parishes of the Rea Valley and local Shropshire Councillors have formed a partnership, SAFER SPEED SHROPSHIRE, and have worked closely together to get this scheme implemented and we are extremely grateful to the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner and Shropshire Council who have all been instrumental in getting it off the ground. We are also grateful for the assistance provided by Charles Pedrick, who has been involved in a similar scheme in Gloucestershire.

“Information from local residents and accompanying data show that many drivers exceed the speed limit when passing though the villages. These new cameras are vital to ensure the safety of our residents, and those using our roads.

“ANPR is ground-breaking for our local communities as it actually records a registration number – something can be done without inflicting the full force of the law.

“We hope motorists will see it as less heavy handed than an instant fine and a deterrent to them speeding in future.”

Richard Marshall, Shropshire Council’s deputy Cabinet member for highways, said:

“We know that speeding traffic is an issue of real concern to residents across the county. I’m delighted that these three parish councils have been successful in their bid for funding and that we’ve been able to support them in their plans to install these new cameras – which I hope will make a real difference to improving road safety.”

John Campion, West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner, said:

“Road safety is a concern to communities across Shropshire. As PCC, I am resolute in tackling the issue of speeding and working with communities to make our roads safer.

“Through the introduction of the automatic number plate recognition cameras in these three Shropshire villages, communities will see an improvement where they live. I remain committed to supporting West Mercia Police, communities and partners to make a difference to the safety of our roads, and ultimately reduce the number of people being killed or seriously injured on our roads.”

It’s hoped that more such cameras will be introduced in Shropshire in the future.

Further information

Pictured above are (left to right):

  • Deputy Chief Constable,  Julian Moss, West Mercia Police
  • Councillor Roger Evans, Shropshire Councillor for Longden; and Chair of Great Hanwood Parish Council
  • Councillor Nick Hignett, Shropshire Councillor for Rea Valley
  • Councillor Duncan Fletcher, Chair, Pontesbury Parish Council
  • Councillor Geoff Rogers, Chair, Minsterley Parish Council
  • John Campion, West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner