Adults using social care services urged to take part in national survey
People who use adult social care services in Shropshire are being reminded to take part in an annual adult social care survey launched this month (January 2022).
The Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey England (ASCS) is a national survey that is repeated every year. The survey, which forms part of a national programme led by NHS Digital, selects a sample of people who receive care and support services either in their own or residential home, and or in the local community. The survey asks questions about their quality of life and the impact that the services they use have. It also collects information about self-reported general health and wellbeing.

Adult social care: the annual survey is coming
The 2021/22 survey runs until March 2022. People will be sent a questionnaire by post, including a freepost return envelope. Although we contact you as an individual, anything you tell us will be confidential.
Shropshire Council will analyse the results and share them anonymously with NHS Digital, who will collate the results from all councils and publish the national results in October 2022. The results will also be published on the council’s webpage here.
Simon Jones, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for adult social care and public health, said:-
“Every council in England with responsibility for providing adult social care services is required to conduct an annual survey of people who use its services.
“I would encourage everyone who receives a survey to respond.
“Those chosen to take part will be contacted by letter and will be asked their views on how they feel about the services they receive. This could be any equipment or care provided by staff who are paid to help the individual. The staff could be from the council’s adult social care, an agency, a care home, or bought by the person using money from adult social care through a Direct Payment.
“The more people who take part, the more useful the results will be. They survey is based mainly on tick box, multiple choice questions and is designed by NHS Digital to be as simple as possible to complete. So please do complete it if you receive one.
“If you need any help completing the survey you can either ask a friend or relative to help, or phone Shropshire Council’s Customer Services helpline.
Shropshire Council can provide easy read and large text versions of the survey for those who need them. We may also be able to offer the survey in another language for anyone who needs a translated copy.”
All feedback from the survey will be used to help the council better understand the impact of the adult social care services they and other agencies provide, and help identify what areas need improving and or developing.
Tanya Miles, Shropshire Council’s executive director of people, added:-
“The Adult Social Care Survey is designed to understand more about how services are affecting people’s lives and their impact on quality of life. Therefore it is vital that we ask those who use the services their views. This allows us to better understand the impact of services and feedback can identify where service improvement and development is needed.
“Not everyone will receive a survey. People are chosen through a random sample technique, and receive a letter explaining how to complete the survey; including key information, with a survey form and freepost envelope. We will write to all those chosen to take part in 2022 with a reminder, three weeks after the first letter.
“The results of the survey will be used by the Care Quality Commission, Department of Health, NHS Digital and by Shropshire Council to improve services. The views of people who use our services are important to ensure we are getting them right.
“If you do receive a letter please take the opportunity to let us know your views.”
Help and support is at hand for those who are selected to take part. Those who may struggle to complete the survey, can contact Shropshire Council’s Customer Service on 0348 678 9077 for advice. Alternatively those selected could ask a family member or their carer to help them complete the survey.
People can find out the results from previous years surveys here.
NHS Digital (All results)
Shropshire Council (local results)
Passionate about adult social care?
If you haven’t been chosen to part in the national Adult Social Care survey, you can still have your say about any adult social care service you receive and help make a positive difference to people’s lives. Shropshire’s Making it Real Advisory groups offer people the chance to discuss their concerns, experiences and views on how services can be improved.
Shropshire Making it Real are currently looking for new Experts by Experience board members. That’s someone who has lived experience of adult social care and support in Shropshire – either directly or as an unpaid carer.
To find out more, email or visit the Making it Real webpages here: