New place plans identify needs of Shropshire’s local communities

A series of plans that aim to identify and deliver local infrastructure needs in communities across Shropshire have been published.
The 18 ‘place plans’ have been developed following conversations across the county with town and parish councils, councillors, and external infrastructure providers. The place plans bring together information about what type of infrastructure – such as utilities, play areas, street lights, schools, broadband, and open spaces – is needed in each area.
The plans enable Shropshire Council and its external infrastructure partners, working closely with local councillors and town and parish councils, to develop a clear understanding of the needs of each place plan area, and to begin to identify how infrastructure projects in those areas could be funded and delivered.
The place plans are an important part of the development of the new Local Plan as they provide information on the types of infrastructure communities feel are needed to support the growth of their areas.
Gwilym Butler, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for communities, place planning, and regulatory services, said:
“This is really good news for communities across Shropshire. After a lot of consultation and hard work we now have 18 place plans covering the whole of the county, which will help us to deliver the infrastructure that each community needs.
“We want our place plans to be useful, up to date, easy to understand, and the first port of call for infrastructure planning and delivery in each place plan area.
“We expect them to develop and change over the coming months as we get further feedback, but we know that the plans are already being used and referenced by our partners and by local communities.”
Place plans were originally established in 2011/12 as part of the Local Plan development process. The newly published versions contain updated information, and have been produced following conversations with elected members, town and parish councils, Shropshire Council’s infrastructure officers, and external infrastructure providers such as utilities companies, Highways England, the Environment Agency, and more.
For more information about the place plans, and to view the documents, please go to