13/11/2018 - Permalink

Decisions made by Central planning committee on 25 October 2018

Related topics: Community / Democracy / Planning

The following decisions were made by Shropshire Council’s Central planning committee at its meeting at Shirehall, Shrewsbury on Thursday 25 October 2018.

Caterpillar Defence, Perkins Engines, Lancaster Road, Shrewsbury (16/04559/OUT) Outline application (access for consideration) for residential development (up to 140 dwellings) including demolition of building 1; formation of access roads and associated highways, engineering and accommodation works (revised scheme).


That planning permission be refused contrary to the officer’s recommendation for the following reason:

The proposed development would involve the use of protected employment land for residential development and would therefore be contrary to adopted development plan policies namely CS13 and CS14 (Core Strategy) and MD4 and MD9 (SAMDev). It was acknowledged that the proposal would involve development of a brownfield site and would deliver some benefits in terms of securing the applicants long term aspirations on the adjoining site; some very localised highway improvements; contributing to housing delivery including affordable housing; and providing some short term economic benefits. The council considered however that these benefits were insufficient to outweigh the clear conflict with the development plan policies, combined with the identified adverse impact of the proposal in terms of increased congestion on the local highway network, and the fact that the proposed open space was not in accordance with adopted policy MD2 notwithstanding the offer of a financial contribution intended to compensate for the deficiency.

Proposed residential development land to the north of Betley Lane, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury (18/02747/OUT) Outline application for residential development for up to 2No. dwellings with retention of access.


That planning permission be refused contrary to the officer’s recommendation for the following reason:

The access to the proposed development via a narrow unadopted lane is considered to be unsuitable given the restrictions arising from existing properties using it for access and parking. In particular there is concern that adequate access for emergency vehicles cannot be ensured if required and the council is unable to secure improvements by imposing parking restrictions given the un-adopted status of the lane. Accordingly the proposal is considered to be contrary to the aims and requirements of adopted development plan policy CS6 (Core Strategy).

1 Monday Town, Westbury, Shrewsbury (18/02962/FUL) Erection of replacement dwelling; installation of package treatment plant.


That planning permission be granted contrary to the officer’s recommendation for the following reason:

The Committee acknowledged that the size of the replacement dwelling was not in accordance with the council’s adopted policy but considered that in the particular circumstances of this proposal due to the sloping nature of the site and the ridge line of the proposed dwelling being lower than that of the existing property the development was acceptable. Additionally members welcomed the modern design and accessible accommodation that the proposal offered and referred to the use of good design as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.

Subject to:

That planning officers be granted delegated powers to attach appropriate conditions and the removal of Permitted Development Rights.

Proposed dwelling north of Top Farm, Kinton, Shrewsbury (18/03967/REM) Approval of Reserved Matters (access, appearance, layout, scale, landscaping) pursuant to Outline application 13/05065/OUT for the erection of dwelling including re-aligned agricultural access and removal of agricultural shed.


That planning permission be granted as per the officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1.


For further information relating to the decisions go to our online planning register and search for the application by using the reference number or keyword.