Survey launched to hear the views of children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities
Children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and their families in Shropshire are being asked for their views on how they would like to receive information about SEND services, and how they could be more involved in decisions about those services.
The call out from Shropshire’s 0-25 SEND Board, which includes representatives from education, health and social care and voluntary organisations, is for local children and young people aged 0-25 with SEND, and their families, to complete the online survey to find out:
- how they would like to receive information
- what information they would like to receive
- how they would like to be involved in the decision-making and planning process for individual support
- how we can involve them in developing and improving services.
The aim of this survey is to put the views of these children and young people and their families at the heart of the process so they can help shape future SEND services and support provided in Shropshire.
Nick Bardsley, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for children and young people, said:
“We are absolutely committed to ensure every child and young person with SEND has the support they need to unlock their potential, whatever their background and no matter what challenges they face.
“The reason we’re asking you to take part in this survey is to make sure you and your family know about the services and support that already exist for you, and how and where you can find information about them. We also want to ensure that services are designed to best meet the needs of those who use them
“I would therefore really encourage all children and young people with SEND and their families to take part and have their say.”
To take part in the survey click here or go to and search ‘Communications of SEND services’. The survey closes on Tuesday 31 July 2018.
David Coan, Designated Safeguarding Nurse, NHS Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group, said;-
“Together with Shropshire Council we are committed to raising standards, and would encourage as many people to feedback their views on how they would like SEND services delivered in Shropshire. The results from the survey will help shape and inform future services, keeping the child or young person at the heart of everything we do.”
Feedback from the survey will help the SEND Board to develop an effective communications and participation strategy for Shropshire. This will help them improve the way they communicate with children and young people and their families, and will help them put together the right information that they need through the communications channels of their choice. It will also help to ensure that children and young people with SEND and their families have a genuine voice in local decision-making and designing their own support.
About the 0-25 SEND Board
The 0-25 SEND Strategic Board in Shropshire includes representatives from education, health and social care services and from voluntary organisations who work with children and young people with SEND and their families, including a parent carer rep. The board is responsible for carrying out the work of the Shropshire SEND Strategy, whose vision is to ensure that:
Shropshire children and young people with SEND are healthy, happy and safe, and able to achieve their full potential with support from a strong partnership between families, the voluntary sector and service commissioners.
You can find out more about participation on the Shropshire Parent & Carer Council (PACC) website on participation.