12/01/2018 - Permalink

Have your say in Shropshire Council’s budget consultation

Related topics: Corporate

Shropshire Council is seeking the views of residents and organisations on its budget for 2018/19, which runs from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.

Launched on Wednesday 10 January 2018, the budget consultation provides local people and organisations with the opportunity to tell the council what they think about the specific proposals outlined in the Financial Strategy for 2018/19.

Budget consultation: council tax rise infographic

Council tax rise infographic

These proposals aim to help address the difference between the limited funding the council receives, and the increasing cost of providing services up until 2020/21.

Budget consultation: use of reserves infographic

Use of reserves infographic

David Minnery, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for finance, said:

“As a result of substantial Government funding reductions, we need to significantly reduce our budget and make unprecedented changes to our services.

“Over the next five years Shropshire Council is facing a budget shortfall of around £59.3m. Putting it simply, our income has fallen due to Government cuts, whilst demand for our vital services that protect some of our most vulnerable has increased.

“We’ve identified many solutions for next year, including investing in capital projects, like the purchasing of the three shopping centres in Shrewsbury, which generate a return on investment.

“Please take a few minutes to find out more about our proposed savings, and let us know what you think.”

To get involved in the budget consultation click here. The deadline for responses is 21 February 2018.

The results of the consultation will be presented to Council and help inform councillors when they meet to set the council’s budget for 2018/19 on Thursday 22 February 2018.