Shrewsbury poet’s work is among that explored at talk on the sonnet
New from our partners University Centre Shrewsbury
Following on from his “Brief Delights” lecture last year, Dr Bill Hughes keeps to the theme of the short poem as he examines the art and artistry of the sonnet, a form used by poets from the 16th century to the present day. The talk takes place on Wednesday 14 June 2017 at 1pm at University Centre Shrewsbury’s Rowley’s House.
Taking examples from Shakespeare to Robert Frost via Christina Rossetti and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Dr Hughes will illustrate the amazing variety of the sonnet’s highly structured fourteen lines. You will also gain an insight into a sonnet’s creative process as you look at manuscript versions of Shropshire poet Wilfred Owen’s famous “Anthem for Doomed Youth”.
Dr Hughes is a former Principal Lecturer in English at the University of Chester. He is chair of Storyhouse, the arts production company that runs the popular open-air theatre in Chester, and also the city’s new £37million Cultural Centre.
To book a place, contact or call 01743 297185.