Council proposes variation to Hackney carriage and private hire licence fees
Shropshire Council is proposing to vary its fees in relation to the licensing of Hackney carriage proprietors and drivers and for private hire vehicles, operators and drivers. The council is advising all those drivers and operators who may be affected by these changes to be aware of the proposals and to make any objections they may have within the next four weeks.
Objections to the proposals must be received by 5pm on Sunday 26 February 2017 and these must be submitted to the council in writing, either by post or by email, in accordance with the formal notice that can be viewed here:
Frances Darling, Shropshire Council’s operations manager for trading standards and licensing within public health, said:
“The council has a legal duty to publish any proposed variation to these particular licence fees and to allow a minimum of 28 days for objections to be received. If no objections are received by the deadline, the fees will automatically take effect from Monday 27 February 2017; however, if we do receive objections, these will be given full consideration by the Strategic Licensing Committee before a final decision is made. In this event, the fees will take effect from 1 April 2017.”
Mal Price, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for planning, housing, regulatory services and environment, said:
“The council can recover certain costs associated with delivering the licensing service for the Hackney carriage and private hire trades; consequently, the fees currently being proposed aim to do this in as fair a manner as is possible, whilst continuing to comply with relevant legal requirements.”
Keith Roberts, Chairman of the Strategic Licensing Committee, added:
“The council is currently proposing that some charges will increase, some will stay the same and some will even decrease. It is about making sure that our costs are recovered as much as possible to enable the council to deliver a fit for purpose and resilient service to our customers. To help the Strategic Licensing Committee make an informed decision about the fees, I would encourage all those who may be affected by the changes to submit any objections they have as soon as possible and clearly to do so before the 5pm deadline on 26 February 2017.”
Further information is available in the report that was considered by the Strategic Licensing Committee on the 25 January 2017 and can be viewed here